Why do my punch needle loops get loose and how can I fix it?

The most common issue with punch needling is that your punch needle loops are pulling out from the fabric.

When punch needling, you can do the following checks to avoid getting loose loops:

  1. Are you using the right fabric? It is really important that your fabric matches your punch needle. Check this section to see our GOTS certified ecological punch needle fabric for finer punch needles, including all clover punch needles. Check this section for fabrics that suit the wooden adjustable punch needle .
  2. Can your yarn flow freely? When your yarn or thread is blocked or restricted your yarn will not create equal loops. The thickness of your yarn should also match the needle you are using.
  3. Ensure you punch the full lenght of your needle through the fabric (the metal part of your punch needle tool).
  4. Is your fabric tight in your hoop? It should be as tight as a drum. This is easier in a smaller hoop. Alternativly staple your fabric to a wooden quadrant frame.
  5. Is your needle threaded correctly?
  6. Are you holding your needle correctly? The opening where the thread leaves should be on the backside of your needle as you punch through your fabric. If you are in a corner, punch your needle all the way through and then move your embroidery hoop. Bring your needle up and continue stitching. And don’t lift your needle to high as you are punching, rather drag it over your fabric

In this blog you will find even more tips and tricks to answer this question